Has the payment/aid you received from the government been withdrawn?

Do you receive social assistance benefit (bijstandsuiterking) or UWV benefit?

If you receive social assistance benefits from the municipality or benefits from the UWV, situations sometimes arise in which your benefits are withdrawn and reclaimed. Authorities often base these decisions on the ground that you have breached the obligation to provide information. Litigating against the government is something normal citizens do not like.

These type of case are qualified under administrative law, also known as Social Security Law. There are strict deadlines for filing a notice of objection or appeal. It is understandable that the official language can leave you confused. Should you have any questions on this subject, or have you received a letter from the municipality or UWV stating that they are withdrawing and/or reclaiming your benefits? If so, keep in mind that in most cases you must object to this within six weeks.

RAMNUN & DENIZ Advocaten specialises in these types of proceedings. Do you wish to make use of our knowledge and expertise on this subject? Then contact RAMNUN & DENIZ Advocaten as soon as possible.

+31 (0)76 205 0810 info@rdadvocaten.nl